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AED 49 - 400 Price



Our Creation of Roja Dove's Apex

AED 49.00 - AED 378.00

An online perfumery store has a huge selection of testers from the United Arab Emirates. Their quality is no different from what you are used to seeing on the shelves in stores, but their prices are much lower due to a simplified appearance so that you can buy tester perfumes inexpensively. The packaging comes without mica, box, as it is, is white, with a simple inscription. The perfume itself often comes without the original cap, but there is always a plastic cap to protect against accidental pressing. The longevity of such testers is much higher than that of conventional Dubai perfumes. The aroma is more intense. By buying a tester from us, you can be sure of a product with high quality, and low prices are a nice bonus.

What is a tester?

A perfume tester is a product that is a demonstration sample of perfume, intended not for sale, but for acquainting a consumer with a perfume composition and its properties. Perfume tester box is produced in a simplified form, namely, in the overwhelming majority of cases, without a lid and in a simple cardboard package. They are originally intended for technical use in the sale of goods, and not for sale to a final consumer.

However, each tester’s bottle indicates that this product is a demonstration sample not intended for sale. It should be noted that the quality of a perfume sample box from the UAE is extremely high since a composition uses original components, and a saturation and aroma durability, as well as the order of notes opening, are comparable to the original product.

Why are testers cheaper?

Original sets of perfumes are very expensive. Their price consists of a bottle cost, cardboard or high-quality plastic, a spray system, a cap, and the most important thing is the perfume itself. No small costs are spent on brand promotion and development, advertising. The principled pricing policy of a trading house is also of great importance.

The main advantage of fragrance testers is note’ 100% copy and intonations of your favorite scent. They follow the technology of perfume mixing and composition. The same persistence and silage, the same aroma concentration, as in the well-known perfume brands. A significantly low price is achieved due to significant savings on packaging and lids.

Due to the correct technology’s observance and a high level of factories, extraordinary durability and loopback of these analogues have been achieved. With 100% accuracy, they fully correspond to the original, native fragrances! The main difference from the original: bottles are packed in a cardboard "technical packaging". There may be no cap.

A tester is a perfume sample that serves as a demonstration of that particular scent. As a rule, it has the maximum volume that is present in a particular line of presented brand fragrances. The perfume testers online are packed in a simple cardboard box. Most testers come without caps, and transparent clips replace them. Due to these measures, the price of perfume compares favourably. Since a fragrance should be more fragrant, the amount of essential oils in it is greater than in ordinary eau de toilette, which allows you to have a better result for less money. The aroma’s longevity of such a perfume exceeds all expectations. By choosing this type of perfumery, you will buy perfume testers and get many pleasant and positive emotions, and a good mood will accompany you for a long time.

Creation of your aroma

Do you want to create a fragrance that will fill you with calmness and serenity? Alternatively, on the contrary, will it give you vigour and strength? On the other hand, maybe you want to design your own perfume that will inspire you to do new feats every day. At your request, our perfumer will reproduce a scent that is right for you. Moreover, no one else will have another like this. As there is no other person just like you.

Choice of scent

A unique created scent to order’s development takes place in several stages and involves the customer and the perfumer joint creativity. This process will be easy, enjoyable, and inspiring. You will remember the events dear to your heart, and share your feelings and desires. Your perfume is born from a personal story, and the master of perfumery will take care of how to express it and make custom perfume. Just keep this in mind when communicating with a perfumer, and then a result will exceed all your expectations.

Scent creation

In the process of communication, our consultants using chat or phone will try to determine what you like and what your future scent should be. After that, you will be asked to write an essay about your future scent (a small questionnaire that you fill out, thoughtfully answering questions, at the end describing an image of your scent, how you imagine it, what feelings you should evoke, what tasks you will perform, etc. ). Test samples are developed according to your request and preferences. Now that you have decided on your preference, a perfumer will build your own perfume based on your choice: solid, oily, or alcohol-based. After that, they are sent to you by mail or by courier for "fitting". After carefully trying on all the fragrances, you choose the one that you like the most and buy it. If it suits you perfectly, it is great! If, overall, you like a perfume, but have additional wishes (add intensity, remove excess sweetness, etc.), be sure to tell our perfumer about them and the formula will be finalized. When you are ready and determine the best version of a test sample, let us know. This formula will be taken as a basis for future composition. We send ready-made perfumes to you personally by mail, or by courier. Choose whichever is more convenient.

Time to create a fragrance

The first stage of acquaintance, preparation and development of tests takes about 2-3 weeks on average. Further, it takes 1 to 2 weeks to “try on” the fragrance. Moreover, this process of "maturation" of the personalised perfume scent lasts up to 1 month. Therefore, in total, it takes about 1.5-2 months to develop an individual scent. Sometimes, when you need it urgently, we can work with you day after day, you immediately take a finished composition with you, and it “ripens” with you, or a person to whom this gift is intended. Then the perfume you donated will ripen already at its owner, which you should warn him about. Sometimes a process can take longer. Someone needs more time to get to know the fragrances, and someone wants to add some rare unusual ingredient to their perfume, a search, and delivery of which requires additional time. However, believe us - the result is worth it.

You get a ready-made author's fragrance in a beautiful bottle with a personalized inscription on the bottle, which you design own perfume in our shop and a certificate of aroma authenticity. Our collection contains exclusive bottles that you can order for a fee. The certificate describes for whom a particular perfume was created, when and by whom it was created, the scent pyramid, and the name.